I've got a project started with the local Kids Summer Events co-ordinators to do a 1 or 2 day workshop with some kids this summer to build CBG's with strong cardboard boxes and 2ft lengths of 1X2 for the necks. Coloured Weedeater line for strings, eye screws for tuners, bolt and nut bridges. Older kids may want to try toothpick frets. I'm going to make up a 1/4" cable with a piezo in a plastic clamp on the end. I should be able to clamp it to the tailpiece of the kids guitars and amp them up. The micro cube will make any of them sound good....LOL This is going to be fun!!!!
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Tracy Tomlinson said:
Dave Breault said:
Tracy Tomlinson said:
Anyhow, I'm putting together a document that walks them through the construction in two three-hour sessions. But my costs are higher - about $20 in materials for each build. Most construction will be hand-tools, but we'll probably have a few kids use a few power tools just to speed things up.
I'll look forward to hearing about how your project goes!
Tracy Tomlinson said: