I have been plucking away at the Keni Lee walking base line from his CD, also on YouTube.
I have a 21 1/2' scale with some super soft martin acustic brass wound strings, although I used some super slinky steel strings on one build. I have followed the instructions of 3,4,5 string tuned to GDG. Good so far, but when I play, the higher G string < the finer diamter one, string # 1 it is much louder than the other 2 so it seems to overpower the sound of the other strings.
I just finished a Reso and was hot to try it out and I love the extra twang of the reso and makes the slide sound even better. BUT that high #1 G string is now even mor pronounced, the reso is much louder and that string is even more pronunced. I have done about 3 builds and this is the same thing, same scale same strings diferent boxes. All with maple necks, diferent fret boards, maple, ash and oak.
Any ideas of why this is happening. Maybe a this is a better topic for the build section but I thought I would try you playing dudes first. Cheers Ron.
Cheers Ron
There are no rules in Cigarbox guitars but strings sure do have them, they are made to be tuned to a pitch at a certain scale length (usualy 25,5 inches) so if your going to go shorter you will have to raise pitch to suit your scale or go with thicker strings to compensate.
Your high G string endures about 22.64 lbs with a 21,5 inch scale (assuming you use a pack of 13's)and you low A string tuned to G only has 18 lbs on that scale so that's why it's not as loud as the high string.
I'd take string 6 (low e) from a pack of exta light 10's if i where you and tune that 3 steps up to G, that would result in 24.68 lbs of tention on your scale length.
Btw, i got the tention numbers from here http://www.mcdonaldstrings.com/stringxxiii.html , just enter a scale and the note you want on a string and it will calculate your string tention.
Hope this helps and good luck on your build.