Looking to make a kimbala (thumb piano) from scratch using parts that are found etc. So far I have a nice little cigar box with a hole nicely drilled out and some fairly durable bobby pins. Ive read about finding street sweeper blades or rakes blades but can't find. I don't have any money to invest so I'm looking on the whatever I find. Any help is appreciated on the low end. The best thing I've seen for parts is an electrical grounding outlet that's about 5 or 6 bucks but I don't even have that amount. I do have scraps of wood, nails, screws etc....I think understand the basic principles of the thumb piano as far as how it works but can't wrap my head around with what supplies I currently have. I'd just buy a kit if I had the money but I don't..

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  • spokes off an old bike wheel work pretty good too, just round the ends off with a file/some sandpaper so you don't hurt yourself on it/them (this goes for just about anything you use tho)

  • Best bet for the keys is the metal rake tines. Ask a neighbor if he or she has an old busted one in the garage/shed that they may give away in exchange for a favor/chore around the yard, perhaps?

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