"New album of ALL CBG songs featuring many builds by builders here on the nation, some still to be added. Please help! http://ning.it/19brji3"
Your pledge go a long way help spead cigar box guitars
If just few hundred of Tenthosand members help make a studio quality CBG record to be made
Thanks for your time and help
'Mr. C
You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments!
All we need is 250 baker at15 to 20 bucks that's little to spare to help put out an great CBG record we can make it happen put it out on face book send out all your freinds on the nation look Justin up on you tube you see with a chance he make it far let get the word out
Hmmm. Is he gonna reciprocate by downloading MY album, sending me $10, for original songs created on builds by 3 outstanding builders here? Just sayin'...
give me a link for basic,mrc for my f/book page,thx
i,m in 50
Upside down mr c
Justin jonhson tellthon