Hi all, names Robert. Just joined up a bit ago, thought I should make an introduction. I live in North West Montana if anyone lives out this way or ever makes this way let me know, I'm excited to get to know people who love CBG's as much as I do. I started learning guitar in January but never really got into it, the chord shapes and stuff, too much expectation of what it should be, rights and wrongs. For me thats not what music is, no rights or wrongs. I'm no Jimmy Page, Hendrix isn't in my blood... It only took a few months before a buddy of mine, Mike, got me going on blues music. I've always loved the older blues recordings and he's an avid blues player, putting more time into his guitars and music than his own girlfriend, no joke ;) In one of our talks he mentioned a Cigar Box Guitar, I thought it sounded cool, always looking for the less well known and obscure things in life, found one pic of one in a book at the library, said I can make that, and went to Home Depot. That was late May. I've since built and sold 5 more to friends or people who have seen me caring one around. I rarely touch my 78' Eko Ranger IV 6 string, mostly plucking a few strings on it as I move it out of my way. I absolutely love these things and what they represent and was excited to find that there are whole forums dedicated to this stuff! I so look forward to getting to know all of ya on here, hope to eventually get to meet some of you personally. I'll try to check back in often but please forgive me if I take a while to respond, I don't get online too often and my computer has multiple personality disorder, often its evil and doesn't work. 


              R. Phillips Customs

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  • now that my dyslexic  brain has figured out, you are not our friend... Phillip Robert, having changed his avatar.  welcome aboard, and hope you like it here!!!

    • Hello brother James,... i'm very glad to meet here one guy who is named like me only with a "s" more... i discovered him while looking for my owne pesonal page... didn't remember my name... my strange brain was playing with me (lol)...

      Hello Mister Robert Phillips...welcome...+<{:-))))))))))=={...  

  • 305887855?profile=original

  • welcome  .. 

    to  the addiction  .    ;-)

  • Welcome aboard. These things have a personality all their own. Seem to breed when you leave them sitting around too. I started out with a Cookie Tin back in March and have added three Cigar Boxes and four single string canjos to my builds since then. I have four more boxes waiting their turn and three more cookie tins on the shelf. It seems like every time I finish one a couple more show up. Thinking I'm going to need to get more storage space to hold the whole set.

    • Storage, my same problem! I need to find a place to put all the stuff I moved out of the storage shed to make room for my shop! I've got about a bakers dozen cigar boxes sitting in there and a growing stack of plans to build new ones. From the push of friends and friends friends and, well, total strangers wanting to buy, I'm working on making a web site and starting up shop making guitars and amps and am starting after my dream of someday opening a shop. Looking at having a sort of music store/cafe. Always wanted some kind of store/cafe. The cafe always seemed important. Never thought I'g start planning for a music store, but O'm super excited to see where it goes.

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