I have 2 different piezo pick ups and two cbg guitars. One is tin and one is a cigar box. On the cigar box I get a hum unless I touch the cable. I swapped each piezo on both cbgs. The tin cbg no hum ever either piezo. Cigar box hum no matter what piezo. Checked cables , solder joints ...should I add metal or tin to my wood cigar box ?

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  • Hi Jon,
    What was it that finally reduced the hum?

    • Not exactly but I was surprised at a reduction at all..with a second wooden guitar cbg...at least I know it's possible with wood and piezos to work out buzz and hum free... . the guittar that was buzzing (wooden one) no matter what piezo I use is still making the same hum..buzz. I might apply the same principle If I can't find a solution... (putting alot of pressure on the piezo with the lid pressing practically squeezing the piezo ...that seems to help ground with human body...but not a great solution. Thanks for helping-Jon
      • try sheilding with aluminium tape or copper 'slug repellent' tape ,although the hum does seem an odd one with a piezo..

  • 15 inches is too long a run. I'd reduce it to the smallest run you can get away with and see how the hum is and/or switch to a shielded cable.
    • Read both posts and I will try all suggestions. And thank you!!!
      • Twist your two wires around each other many times so they spiral each other, this is pseudo shielding.
        If you need to shield it better you could take a eight inch sheet of alum foil, insert its edge under the edge of the jack (on the inside of the box of course) and wrap that around your wires all the way to the buzzer. Make sure the foil doesn't lose it's contact with the jack, and make sure it doesn't short (touch) the hot connection (cover that in heatshrink tube or tape before u start)
        • Well just for the heck of it I made a new piezo pick up. I used short wires and very good solder. This time no glue or bottlecap encasing. Same trouble. If I touch the amp or the instrument cable the hum stops. Sorry for all the posts. I'm a little afraid of the foil idea but if anyone comes up with any other ideas I'd appreciate it. There's got to be a way to ground this puppy that's simple. If I run a wire from neg on jack along with its reg connection to a nail on the inside or something.....here's to a frustrating pickup....thanks everyone. Have a great day!
          • It's better and quieter. The lid smooshes the foam and pickup ...not same cbg as in photos but its wood. This cbg is done ....thanks


        • Which side is the hot connection? The jack side or piezo side(mines in glue on piezo side)
        • This stuff


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