Here's what I'm thinking.

I intend to make a box out of scrap wood and a solid lump of Mahogany going through the middle for strength.

Now here's the thing, is it still a Cigar Box guitar if the box is not a Cigar Box?

I've made guitars out of Biscuit Tins, which can seem like a Cigar Box guitar, but are far from it, but is this going to be one of them?

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  • Put a cigar in it and then remove it..? ;>)
    • That's what I said Buggy.

      If it's built with a homemade box - it's a CBG.

      If it has a pie pan(or other such metal pan) in it - it's a CBRG( Cigar Box Reso Guitar). 


    Theoretically CBG are a small subset of the stringed instrument class . so all of these "non" CBG's are related to far older instruments back to Ancient Mesopotamia and all over the world.

    The humble stick in a box with strings is a noble instrument with a vast heritage that is not just depression American CBG's

    call it what you want , as Shakespeare said "a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet"

  • Cigar box guitar, Canjo, License plate guitar. tomatoe. tomato.

    So maybe you made it out of a wooden box that held wine bottles, is it not still part of the CBG style?  I think the term Cigar Box Guitar is more about the hand made guitar, rather than the store bought standard.  If you construct a telecaster body, and make it a six string electric, then its a Telecaster, maybe homemade but still a telecaster.  But a homemade three string guitar, whether from an actual guitar box or a homemade box is still a type of cigar box guitar.

    • I'd say that's fair way of judging what a Cigar Box Guitar is, I'd add the 4 string to that as well.

      I'd say what I have in mind with my Homemade Box is a Cigar Box build because other than the box itself, it is pure CBG.

      I'd also add that most of my Biscuit Tin guitars are not within the CBG genre because they are all 6 string guitars, with fairly standard features.

      Although I think my first build can be called a Cigar box because its got three strings and a broom handle for a neck, but you guys judge that for yourselves.


    • That says CBG to me

    • 306578621?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

      The declaration above was posted several years ago by one of our esteemed members in response to a different topic, but to me, it kinda' seemed appropriate to this discussion as well.

       Isn't it great that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees us the right to free speech. We can agree to disagree.  : ))

      PS: HAPPY LABOR DAY!  ^^

    • Yes, I posted that several years ago.

      Yes, it was related to a different topic.

      No, I do not believe that, taken out of context, it is relevant to this discussion.

    • I made these guitars from my own design boxes. Are they CBGs or are they just Blues Frog Creations?


    • Obviously, they're amphibian-like chordophones! ^^

      (Maybe not the best name for marketing purposes, tho'.   : /)

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