I should be finally moving into my new Alexandria digs this week.

Is there anybody who would be interested in getting together, maybe next weekend (June 12 or 13) just for grins?

This would be nothing formal, it could even be just meeting up for an adult beverage or three. I don't have any specific place in mind.

Ordinarily I wouldn't mind hosting at my place, but I don't have any furniture except the air mattress to sleep on and my clothes, so we would have to sit on the floor!!...LOL

Anyone interested??

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  • OK, how about Sunday, June 27th?

    I may still hop over there before then.
  • I'd love to. The next couple of weeks are booked pretty solid for me (a wedding this weekend and Father's Day next weekend). I'm not one to make special requests for other people to conform to me so if sooner works better for everyone else...have a great time. If we push it a couple of weeks, I can also bring my buddy who plays a CB Bass that I built him. That would be two more of us!

    Iggy said:
    That would work for me.

    Anyone else up for it?

    JUstLovebeatZ said:
    How about we all pick a Sunday and meet at Bangkok Blues?
  • That would work for me.

    Anyone else up for it?

    JUstLovebeatZ said:
    How about we all pick a Sunday and meet at Bangkok Blues?
  • How about we all pick a Sunday and meet at Bangkok Blues?
  • That looks like a fun place, I will have to check it out, thanks!

    Doctor Steve said:
    I'm interested, but this weekend may be bad for me. PS, you might want to check out the open jam at Bangkok Blues 6-11pm every Sunday. Its not CBG, but if you want to kill some time its free and the players are excellent. See http://www.bangkokblues.com/.
  • I'm interested, but this weekend may be bad for me. PS, you might want to check out the open jam at Bangkok Blues 6-11pm every Sunday. Its not CBG, but if you want to kill some time its free and the players are excellent. See http://www.bangkokblues.com/.
  • I was thinking Sunday some time, but I don't have any idea on where we could meet up. I don't know the area very much, so I am open for suggestions.
  • I'm interested, but have a family trip planned for this weekend that might interfere. Depends on when the shin-dig is set for and if our day trip turns into an overnighter.
  • Let's do it!
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