....ever hears me claiming to be a carpenter, you have my permission to drive here, hunt me down , and shoot me in the head!

Our oven went out on the Sunday after christmas. What does this have to do with carpentry ?

The oven was a built-in w/ a separate range ...... the previous owner of the house THOUGHT he was a woodworker.

Long story short. The built-ins cost twice as much as a regular range, so WE bought one today and WE got to spend the whole day taking out the old stuff ... butchering up the cabinets and counter tops ... cutting holes big enuff for the range .... and installing the new one.

And since the previous owner was such a GOOD woodworker, all the cabinets I had to re-model were PERFECTLY square.

I just can't understand why I'M so tired and the WIFE isn't since WE got to do all that work.




Matt - too tired and worked to hard to be AFKAM today!


and yes ... there is a lot of sarcasm in my typing.

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  • Think of the cabinets as big cigar boxes!


    That'll lift your spirits!

  • lol, maybe after all the redesigning you are getting experience with you could come over and fix some of the stud wall issues I have on my house. The framers had ALL kinds of snafu's.


    (my father-in-law and I are the framers mentioned) 8vD

  • lol

    Dan Sleep said:

    In my area, you know what they call someone who has been to Home Depot twice?


    A contractor.

  • In my area, you know what they call someone who has been to Home Depot twice?


    A contractor.

  • Sorry to hear it, bro.  The problem is that you don't really have to go through anything special to start calling yourself a carpenter.  No special certification or schooling.  Of course such certification and schooling does exist, and the more expensive guys can show the evidence.  But for the most part, watch this:


    My name is Josh and I'm a carpenter.


    See that?  That was perfectly legit.  All I gotta do is go get my business license and insurance.


    At the very least, you know that the job will be done right this time.


    Good luck, man.  I'm feeling your pain over here.

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