I just had this brilliant idea to use our passed away black lab's old dog bowl as the resonator in a CBG I would like to make my wife for Christmas.  My thought it to tune it to standard guitar tuning three string like the Loog guitar concept.  I know cbgitty has the string set for sure!  I figure I will do another 25.5" scale and I will build the box out of something fancy, just because, well, there ain't no rules in the CBG handbook!!  Lol!!  Anyways, my question is this, what is the best way to amp a dog bowl resonator cbg?  Hopefully this one will sound decent acoustic but I do want to electrify it too as I might make her an amp to match.

Thanks for the help!  Oh, and I DID do a search first and couldn't find what I needed right quick.

Chrispy (figure I'll use my nickname my old boss gave me here.  Seems appropriate to use your nickname)

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  • These have twin piezo's under the bridge + the humbucker306482144?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • I just scored two speakers that will work in mini-amps at the dump and they had two peizos in there too!  Now to figure out how to wire two piezos and maybe a mag pickup all together.  This should be fun!

    • Nice score.

    • this  may help Christopher,Ted does good work    http://handmademusicclubhouse.com/photo/albums/wiring-diagrams-sche...

    • Thanks Darryl.  I'll check it out.  You know, I have found that CBG folks are an awesome sharing lot!!  I build custom furniture for a living and for the most part, furniture makers are snobby selfish pricks.  Hahahaha!  I found that woodturners are just like CBG folks.  I couldn't imagine going to a furniture makers meeting, but woodturners meetings are full of sharing and teaching.  It's awesome.  

    • I just scored two complete electric guitar pickup setups today at a yard sale for $8!!!!!!  So I have two complete circuits with three pickups each.  The way I figure, that's six CBG's I could build with minimal parts to buy to complete the other four circuits!  So based on those CBG's above, I could use a piezo or two under the bridge somehow, AND another pickup by the neck, correct?  What happens if you just use the pickup by the neck?  Do you lose the resonation?

      Thanks all!

  • As far as the amp goes, the best option I have seen is to take a Honey Tone amp, and get an old car stereo speaker...  and mount it all in a Cigar box...

    Or you can get LM386 amp modules on fleabay for less than $10.  Add a 9v battery clip and a jack.  but for $10 more, the honey tone has volume/tone and overdrive capability built in...

    Not sure who's idea, but Wayfarer passed that one along.

  • 306484213?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024I`ve made a few rod piezo biscuits for customers that wanted to electrify dog bowl reso`s.

    • So the disk has a groove cut in it, the rod piezo laid in there maybe in a bead of silicon, then the bridge is set in on top so it is touching the piezo, correct?  I can turn a disk on my lathe easy.  So do you mount that disk, as in double stick tape it, to the dog bowl?  Will that suffice?

    • I cut a slot in the wood 1/8" wide for the rod piezo to set it. Then the bone saddle is 1/8" thick and that rest on the rod...being the saddle thickness is the same as the slot it`ll set right in the slot. I never glue the rod or the saddle in...you want the saddle to be snug but not to tight...,the pressure of the strings pushes down on the saddle which pushes down on the rod = sound.  Yeah you could use double stick tape or drill a 1/4" hole in the center of the dog bowl and drill a 1/4" hole on the bottom of the biscuit and use a 1/4" wood dowel rod to secure it to the bowl. Also drill a 1/8" off from the dowel to run the rod wire through...you`ll probably have to drill another 1/8" hole on the bottom dog bowl to run the rod wire into the box.

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