I have this brass saddle rosette that's vintage Civil War. It's 2 1/2 inches wide. It would be nice if it could go flat on the top somehow with the strings going through drilled holes.
Or even better, it goes on top of a piece of hardwood in a crescent shape that has ferrules for the strings. It would poke up just over the bottom edge of the guitar. How would this brass piece attach? Note that it has a piece on its back.
Hi jo, these photos may explain it better. I just did a quick mock-up, the actual size will depend on the available space behind the bridge. I have shown only one rivet for retaining the strings.

That medal is 21/8". I like the idea I might use it myself one day.
Great idea.
Hey Taff -
I replied to your last suggestions way up the page here - I had three photos attached. I don't know if you saw it because I'm learning how to reply the right way! John McNair of Red Dog makes some guitars with a piece of aluminum that's folder from the bottom side of the box up and over the top. The holes for the strings are on the piece that's attached to the bottom. You've of course probably seen his guitars, but here's a picture - is this aluminum piece kind of what you're talking about to attach the leather/grommet to?
Hi, ok my other idea would be to get an old leather strap of a suitable size and fit the grommet to the strap. This would now be your tailpiece. To stop the leather from stretching and to give an anchor point for the strings glue or rivet the strap to a thin steel or aluminum strap of the same size. Three holes one end for the strings and one hole at the other for fitting to the box side, at the butt end.
I've got another idea but have to get the photo.
Timothy & Keith are half right, that belongs to a Horse Bridal for a woman or a mare, I’ve seen many of those in old west museums? Looking at the way it was made, it’s civil war era for sure? Search eBay & you will probably find some like it? Cutting it up will destroy its identity as well as its value, maybe mount it on the top of the box near the tailpiece on a strap, but personally, I wouldn’t modify it unless it was a copy, but you have the real thing? Good luck on your build :)
The thing used to be a saddle grommet, by the way - used by Union cavalry in the Civil War. Whatever I do, I’ll need to cut the metal loop off the back of it.
Good idea about the peghead. The grommet is pretty big - 2.25 inches - so the peghead would have to be larger than usual. I’ve attached some pictures that apply to what I’m writing here.
I’d like it flat on the box so you can see it in all its coolness. With a neck-thru design I could possibly figure out a way to put the heart grommet on by fixing it to the tailpiece some way that I could still string the guitar.
OR I could use a hardwood crescent tailpiece that attaches flat to the bottom of the box and into the neck wood. Then I add small pieces of wood on either side of the neck INSIDE the box, and put small pieces of wood on top of the box that will connect to those that are inside. I attach the grommet to those pieces on either side of the strings. The grommet kind of floats over the strings. I leave enough room to string the guitar through the crescent tailpiece.
What do you think? I've added pics to show what I mean by the crescent tailpiece, and showing the grommet up against the tail of my first build. Thanks for your input!
Agree with Timothy. It's probably a belt buckle for use by a female. Using it on a strap would be better. Also it's antique, and if you make changes to it, you also loose it's value.
i think its made for a wide belt. so make a wide leather strap type guitar strap and use the piece as a decoration. then use the Brass and Heart to theme the cigarbox/box for the guitar. heart shaped fret markers? i have seen metal detector guys find those sort of things and they are quite thick and heavy..
I had a few ideas, here are two of them...
1 - inlay it into a fancy peghead.
2 - use it as a tailpiece.
Cheers Taff
make a nice buckle on a strap???