OK, am getting deeper into the online plans for the 2x4 lap steel, and reading closely, it's a 23" scale, but later down the page Shane starts talking about the nut at 26". I thought scale length is bridge to nut.

So what is it? 23" or 26"? I built mine to 23".

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  • Basically he used the 23” scale cuz it’s his signature thing & it’s less likely to bow, but it can be any scale length? I’ve had  plenty of old laps 24 5/8”- 25” & 25 1/2? My favorite is a Valco made MOTS lap tuned down to C# & has a 25” scale. Imagine Sabbath “Master of reality”  tone?  FYI- While learning to play , you will most likely pick up those kinds of techniques anyway?  just play, play, play & keep playing & more will be revealed, but don’t stop, cuz it gets easier. Can’t wait to see this beast :D

    • That's kind of what I was doing on my Ricky Bakelite 40 years ago, some things start to come together. One of the things I love about the digital age is video. For YEARS I have absolutely loved watching a guitar player's hands.

      The other thing i'm planing on doing is making a proto. Wood work this precise is new to me, I'm a beat-to-fit carpenter, and nice looking firewood is not my goal. So the 2x6 Doug Fir will be a pattern/proto, might not even get hardware. 

      BTW, another thing I want to try is distressing the wood (that will for sure be Doug fir), I'm pretty good at that. 

      This is a fireplace mantle I made earlier this year...


  • Hey James. One thing to keep in mind is that there really aren't any rules for CBGs. Most lap steels are 23" scales with 6 strings, but so what? If you want you're to have a 24" scale or a 22" scale or 5 strings or 7 strings... go for it. There's no reason you can't do it.

    I know you are still learning and ultimately you were asking about a measuring calculation, but just saying... there's nothing wrong with following the rules, but at the same time, many builders are constantly thinking outside the [cigar] box. You'll learn more from your mistakes than your successes so don't be afraid to try something new. :)

    • @ Poorness

      Want an example of rule-breaking? These are ideas not yet executed, but are in my bag of tricks:
      1. Fret markers of colored weed-wacker line, set like frets (in slots) but flush with the surface, or the solid copper ground wire out of Romex for fret markers.

      2. A luggage handle.

      3. A cup holder.

      4. A magnetically  mounted ashtray.

      As well as the building process being a big part of the payoff for me, some of it is also about the punchline...

    • Forgot one. Some sort of inlay of either a ship's (BB-61, Battleship Iowa) challenge coin, or some hard rust scale artifact.

    • The only rules I'm for sure following are the string and scale/fretting rules. I'm trying to avoid making really nice firewood.

  • Yes, you can keep the tail the same dimensions, you’ll just have to adjust for it at the head end? Quick question, have you done any research about baritones? Answer about sound & key? The sound is a big muff & some layered modulation effects, I’m sure you can easily find the specs over at gilmourish? the key is Em, but the only thing that’s gonna make you sound like him is lots of practice & skill, took me a minute to get there myself, luckily I had a good friend who shared his playing talents with me? 

    • -It's not so much that I want to be as good as Gilmour (well, as a 'wish' I do), but I just love that roaring growling guitar. I will check out that site.

  • OK, Change of subject. 

    I need advice....., no, I need to be told how to build a baritone.My calculations, based on my first 2x4 build, stretched to a 39-40" body and a scale in the neighborhood of 30".

    See, I'm just throwing numbers together without knowing what i'm doing. My plan is for the butt end to remain the same (probably), and the stretch go in the headstock end.

    Also, if you want to hear the sound and key I'm shooting for, listen to the intro for Pink Floyds "Sorrow" Live (I know it's not a steel), and "One Of These Days".


  • Yes, 26” from the butt end, you’re fine?

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