
  • I recently Tackled this endeavor.  I used a 12mm piezo and put it as far back toward the end of the stick as I could and ran a cable through it.  Couldnt find the right hardware either, so I just made my own from scrap wood lying around.  3645259207?profile=RESIZE_710x

    • Right on, pure handmade goodness!

  • CBGitty sells the jack plate you want to use...


  • I've built a lot of Canjos with pickups, comes down to the type of the pickup and how many. If its just a single disc Piezo, either right under the bridge on a big body or centre of the body if its small, usually on the lid works best. got more than one disc piezo, one either side of the bridge, just not to close together. If you got a single coil or a Humbucker, I just put it in the neck position or as far away from the bridge as possible, but that's my preference for tone. Hope this helps.

  • I bought a cap o tone jr piezo disc. I am going to put it on my canjo but do they sell the part to attach the jack at a hardware store or how do I put it on? 

    • Gitty doesn't have the part I need. I'm getting my piezo from there.
    • Don't know about hardware stores, but you'll most likely find jacks at an electronics store like Radio Shack or someplace.  

      Why don't you check at for one. They have kits already soldered with the jacks and/or pots.  Makes it easy to hook up.

  • Some people take a standard single coil and turn it sideways so the string runs over top of all 6 magnet poles.

  • I was playing around with sticking a piezo disc on the canjo I built.  Seems anywhere on the can is fine, the flat part (unless you are using a flat can) would surely be easiest.  On my canjos, I build them with the stick going inside the can, and tried it on there too.  It worked, but it all got in the way.


    • Cheers for that job for tomorrow me thinks 

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