Hello folks !

Just finished my cigar box. And tuned the strings to GDG and even on the twelft fret they all are in tone.

The fret it self is 1mm in heigt from wood till top and the guitar has  22 fret in total.

I never played guitar before but it seems i'm having trouble with playing the frets. When i want to play a bar.. it sounds dull and realy have to push my finger to the neck..

Is the fret height to low ? Or is it my skinny finger ? haha

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  • If you are having dificulty pushing the strings down, is the action too high? The strings should be only about 1mm (maximum) above the frets at the 1st fret, and 2-3mm at the 12th fret. If the strings are any higher off the frets than this, it will be difficult to play.

    • Hi ChickenboneJohn nice to hear from you. Watched couple youtube video's from you :)

      I use some cheap chinese Dadi phospohor bronze wound extra light strings.

      And use 3rd ( 023 ) 4th ( 030 ) and 5th ( 038 ) gauge strings.

      I've measured the string height and 1st fret is around 1mm but the 12th fret is about 6mm. And i use a piece of 12mm thread as a bridge. So it seems that i have to adjust this one too ?

    • hI agree with chickenbone I belive your action is too

  • There could be an issue with your strings, too!  Heavy gauge strings, pulled up tight to make a higher note will increase the string tension to a point where it's hard to finger the string!

    Normally, they'll break if they're way too tight.   Also, at the nut end, your strings should be really low, and then taper up a bit to the 12th fret.

    If you can finger each string, then why not use 3 fingers?  Work on that barre... it's a pain...

  • I always take comfort in knowing that since I built the instrument, I can always claim that it is supposed to sound exactly like "that"!

  • You also look a lot like The King!

    • Thanks for your fast reply folks. 

      Yeah the strings sound good when you use one string at a fret. But having difficulties with fretting all the strings.

      Since i have skinny fingers i realy have to put alot of force. Also found out that the edge of the guitar is maybe bit to sharp ? Sanding some round profile between the fret could be an idea ?

    • It takes finger strength to barre on a 3-string, and a lot more on a 6-string. Wait'll you work up enough for a 12-string; people will refuse to shake hands with you. It just takes dedicated practice, 10-15 minutes a day, over the course of several months. Don't expect instant results; you're trying to build muscle. Play every day. Practice what is hard. It becomes easier with time and dedication.

      Or it's possible your technique sucks. I'm not being cruel; you may actually be doing it incorrectly. But I doubt it. Barre chords were the hardest for me to master, right after weird 5 finger jazz chords, which still throw me at times. After 38 years playing, I can do a one hour set on a 12-string using lots of barre chords. Then I don't play for a coupla days afterwards. ;-)
    •  Forgot to say i have only a problem with one string the highest pitch one.

      Ahwell gonna fool around a bit and see if there is any improvements :) Thanks !

  • Much harder to bar all 4 strings and keep it clear. You will build strength. Make sure you are just "behind" the fret, (toward the head, if it has one!) and not right on top of the frets. If the single strings all sound ok fretted, and you only have the problem when doing a bar, (barre?) the guitar is ok and just waiting for you to catch up!

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