Hi there!!!

After lurking around and gathering info for some time, i thought i might as well join the forum.

I just finished my first CBG today, so i'm rather excited. Plans for the next one are already developing, so i'm guessing this is an addictive way to spend one's time.

Well, have a nice day, and thanks for all the info this community shares.

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  • welcome  :-D  ..  yup  it is addictive  indeed  ;-) 

    hope to see you around   ;-)

  • Thanks Mike,

    I just took a few, but they aren't too good. Do i post them on this discussion, or is there some place more appropriate?

  • Welcome, gabr1!  I'm pretty new to this site too, but there are a lot of friendly folks, and more info than you can shake a stick at.  I just finished my second CBG. I'm gonna post pics later today.  If you have pictures of your build, please share! 


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