
  • electric

  • Nice Git, Bill... There are a few boxes that are my favorites... partly looks, partly sound:

      Perdomo, Rocky Patel ("Aged X Years"), and, believe it or not, the Punch boxes (paper over wood, pressboard lid).   I'm surprised how good some of the boxes with thick/heavy lids sound...

    I am wondering how much the sound quality and volume are affected by bridge placement on the box lid.

    • I agree John.  Also the thick topped Undercrown make great Elec gits. I place the bridge whereever the scale length says I should put it.  Depending on string gauge and tension may be a little bit off but will be close.  On some acoustics I put a Sound Post just ahead of the bridge position to transfer some vibes to the bottom of the box.  How much does it help.  ???   No rules remember...

    • Exactly... in fact, I avoid the sound post... and just glue the neck to the box.   I've gone back and forth a couple times...

      I have always loved the sound and simplicity of a Piezo... but... now I'm falling in love with these cheap $8 dual rail humbuckers... 

      I just finished a great Cohiba for a friend, the box lid is 1/4" thick MDF, and goes against all that is holy amongst the luthier community... and yet it has a full, rich sound...

      No rules!  (I think I need to go make a t-shirt)

    • I'm going to be installing one of these in a dog bowl reso. I even got a push/pull pot for the single coil option too! Have you tried acoustic strings with this pickup, or should I just stick to electric?

    • "I just finished a great Cohiba for a friend, the box lid is 1/4" thick MDF, and goes against all that is holy amongst the luthier community... and yet it has a full, rich sound..."

      Are you saying it sound great when played through an amp or does it sound great even when being played acoustically? As you said, that would go against the grain of luthierology.

      I'm starting to think that CBG building is like home brewing, there is no right, there is no wrong, there is only what you like and you're only limited by your imagination.

    • All materials have something to contribute to an instruments sound, some great and some small. MDF might not be the best acoustic material, but that goes out the window when a magnetic pickup is put into the mix. You could make the entire box out of MDF and the pickup would make it sound nice. Probably not a piezo by itself, but one with a preamp/equalizer might sound good.

    •  MDF can sound great, remember Danelectro Guitars?

      Saw a youtube video of a guitar a kid made of MDF with one Lipstick Tube Pickup in the middle and it sounded great. The only problem with that stuff is keeping the edge from crumbling, which is why Danelectro covered their edges with Tolex.

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