Last month I had my prostate removed (thanx Vietnam), and as a result until I regain my continence, I'm forced to wear "adult diapers". Being a fair picker, I decided to audition for the band from the movie "O' Brother Where Art Thou"....The Soggy Bottom Boy's, heh-heh-heh !

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  • In the immortal words of Monty Python, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life". As we get older (just turned 69 on Tuesday) we may do a lot of "pissing and moaning", but as long as we're able to do the pissing that's half of the battle.

  • Glad to hear it my friend, and not too surprised. It is usually the young ones that take set backs the hardest. Not enough life experience to know it will get better. My dad went through the same thing and also never let it bother him. Glad you will be better in short order. Take care and be well.....matt

  • I for one, am laughing. As a nurse and a veteran of the Afghanistan conflict I have learned to find humor in some dark places. More important I know how essential it is to not loose your perspective. Joke as you like and do anything you need to to stay positive. You are no less human and therefore special because you are working on being well. It will happen and if it takes a long time who cares! You are still a whole and complete person, a hero in fact, who deserves our respect. Thanks for your service. Keep laughing and play cigar box guitar.....matt

    • Mat, thanx for the uplifting post, And your service to our wounded vet's. I'm not depressed over not being "a whole person" at all, I'm depressed about having to be on light duty for six + weeks and of course my having to wear absorbent underwear...haven't worn any underwear since my 'Nam' time (68-72). The big bitch is these fuckin' pads are so big, my tight jean's won't fit any more (yeah, for you youngsters out there, even at 66 the o'le ego still holds sway at times). Also, I knew this was comin down the line somewhere, we weren't allowed to carry canteens in the field for all the noise they made, so we (I) drank whatever was wet and handy.

  • They didn't remove your sense of humour !

  • (depends  ) 


    hope  ya   got that  part  ;-)


    • Of course...just bein onery. When you get to be 66 you're entitled to be cranky, in fact it's almost expected ;-)

      • crank  on  ;-)

        • Aye aye !!

  • do  i   find  this  funny  ? ..   well...   depends   . ..


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