I am working on building my first CBG, and I am wondering should it have frets or not? In introduction of myself, I am an part time professional luthier, having built several Citterns and a few electric guitars (by hand (no premade parts)).

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  • Lately I have been getting around the problem by using nylon strings. They sound grat with a slide and chording is do able without frets so I have the best of both worlds without the added time and trouble of fretting. I build to a baritone uke scale and the guitars sound really good and warm with the nylon. Just an idea.....matt

  • From your background, fretting is no big deal. From there make your decision on what you want to play and whether you are in a big hurry to finish your first build. If you build fretted, but with a flat fret board, you are probably good to go on both fingering and slide. Sounds like dealer's choice to me.
  • I just joined the forum recently and built my first CBG.  It is a fretless three string, and I find it forces me to learn to play slide better, which is a great thing for my guitar skills.  It also got me playing within two days of finding some boxes, because without frets it is so simple to make one of these.  Now I can play one while I round up some tools and wire to fret #2!  What great fun, these little guitars:)


  • For a first build?  Definitely go fretless... it'll get you playing sooner and getting used to the intricacies of CBG building.

    Besides, everybody should have one of each... Fretless ones make beautiful music!


  • My first build is a fretless four string. In standard tuning I'm finding it easier to play all the time. There are things that's not possible to do. Allot of cord fingering needs frets. Hard to line your fingers up in a straight line. Better for soloing or two to three note cords. I wouldn't want to be a solo artist on stage trying to keep cords in tune and sing and the same time. Guess it depends on what you want to do with the guitar.

  • Not fretting is always easier, no doubt. If you want to play slide on your CBG, then fretless is pretty much the way to go.

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