. . . are currently in search of a CBG to have while deployed.  If you have not yet, please check out the group CBGs for Service Members.  http://www.cigarboxnation.com/group/cbgsforsoldiers


Dan Sleep is managing the group perfectly.  As each servicemember steps forward with a request, a builder  introduces him/her-self and a match is made.  Builder ships off a package with the CBG (and usually a few other goodies like extra strings, picks and maybe even a digital tuner if one is handy and inexpensive).  A couple of weeks later, it arrives somewhere really far away, like Afghanistan, Africa, Iraq or other places where a little music can make a really big difference.


You can either build a custom instrument for your soldier/sailor/marine, or perhaps one is in your stash ready to leave the nest.


In fact, I'd encourage any of you compulsive builders to look over your stable and pick out one that would make someone far away from home -- and doing a really hard job -- very happy.


(and a very big thank-you to the building regulars who seem to be having a friendly little competition over who can ship out the most guitars to the farthest corners of Planet Earth!  Well done, builders!)


While you are visiting the group, be sure to read the past threads for already matched servicemembers - some have sent photos of themselves and their new instruments, and all have a great story to tell of how access to music has changed their lives for the better in ways big and small.




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  • Hi Diane:

    You're the one who set this whole thing in motion, and you are to be commended.  What a wonderful idea you had!

    I'm not sure there is a competition, but one thing I am sure about is that it is impossible to say no to a person doing a job that, in the best case, is nearly intolerable  . . . I'm speaking about our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq especially.

    And, the bonus for me is that I have met some people who I hold very dear.  I know I will never meet them face to face, but they are my friends, and that is special and I will never forget them.

    I started building CBGs as a hobby to fill the retirement void left after stepping off the corporate fast track, but all of a sudden it has become a real purpose, and a passion for me.

    Thank you for getting me involved.  There may be something to the adage that 'giving is better than receiving', but you know what, the more I'm giving to my military friends, the more I am receiving . . . and, damn it feels good!



  • I agree!  I look forward to the day I can get back into the shop and fire off a series to be sent overseas!
  • Diane,

    Thank you for starting this group, and Dan for managing it.  Building CBGs for sale wasn't really my intent when I started building, and this group has given me the focus I wanted.  Although I still need to sell enough to keep this hobby roughly break even, I'm happier building them for those that are serving our country.  I wish I could build more, but I still have to work for a living.



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