
  • 305927220?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Film piezo

    • Well, OK!


      And how does it work, Randy?

      Is it a noticeable improvement over placing a disk piezo under each foot of the bridge?



  • Try it, I can't even pronounce it!!!
  • Hi,
    I've bought a couple and had a play with them today. I've read about shielding being necessary, but didn't find it excessively noisy when held onto the contacts of a guitar lead. It seemed less sensitive than the conventional piezo disc wired into my CBG and didn't pick up so well when held against the box, but that have been due to a poor contact. I bought them to use with a resonator CBG - I'm hoping to be able to attach them directly to the cone without restricting movement in it to get a 'truer' amplified acoustic tone.

    • Dom, how did they work out?

      How did you secure them?  (From reading the specs, that is probably important?)

      ...I am considering a purchase, and would try attaching with a balsa wood damper...  everything glued together, and would try both AB epoxy and silicone...

      I'd like to hear about your test results before trying my own efforts!  :-)



      • This conversation is from 2009, so don't be surprised if he doesn't respond.. :-)

        • Thanks Dan!


          Ur right...  I had not even looked at the dates...

          I've been looking at commercial electronic instruments recently, and also some built by limited production custom shops that apparently get very respectable compensation for their instruments...

          I'm trying to search out why they must be getting superb tone from their instruments to warrant the big bucks.

          Magnetic coil pups can certainly be wound at home on the benchtop, but anything piezo is going to be coming from a factory at production numbers.  Just gotta find the source, and the best price! :-)



  • Never heard of those, let alone used one....
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