
  • yup ;-)

  • Looks great. I would recommend that you secure the bridge bolt  so it doesn't move on you if you haven't already.

    • Thanks for your input. In fact I left the bridge floating to be able to adjust it for intonation (which is not as important with a fretless). How would you secure it?
    • Once your happy with where it is, you could glue it with superglue or put some clamp style brackets over it and screw to the top or drill some small holes through the top and wire it in place. Many different ways. I like to go to hardware aisles and look over all the stuff to get ideas.

  • Looks great . . . Burned on frets and fret markers?


    • Thank you. Yeah, the fret markers where burned in with the head of a nail and the frets with a soldering iron...
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