Just wondering what everyone likes to listen to.  We have a local station here in Ft. Lauderdale that has a three-hour blues show every Sunday and is available on-line all week at: http://www.blueatheart.com/podcast/showc.m3u

Anyone have other local stations with podcasts they like?

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  • We have a community station here called 3pbs, it's great no advertising and no government funding, all subscriptions..
    It works most o the week in two hour shifts, the announcers bring in their own records, no playlists and share what they're passionate about you. Might get two hours of bluegrass then two of acid jazz then two of African pop or Latin, I love it. You can stream it online and I think now you can download any shows from the past as well, really excellent it's turned me on to all kinds of strange stuff


    Oh they got an iPhone app you can use to listen tl it on the Internet too
  • The Roadhouse podcast, a weekly hour of the finest blues you've never heard.


  • Big fan of Blues Deluxe and Dan Aykroyd's House Of Blues hour, which we get canned 3 times a week.
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