I need some help with excessive noise from a dean markley sst saddle pickup. I am currently building a 6 string resonator with a neck pickup a saddle pickup and a 3 way switch.My problem is that there is excessive noise from the saddle pickup. It is basically a brass plate sandwiched in a saddle which is in contact with the strings and not an under saddle type. I have connected both pickups to a 3 way switch and they both work. However the 'handling' noise of the saddle pickup is pretty bad. I like to damp the strings when playing and this isnt possible due to the lightest touch being amplified. Has anyone any experience with a similar setup or have any advice?

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  • Thanks very much for the suggestions. I will try out those ideas. I have made a biscuit which the saddle/pickup will sit in. I have bolted the biscuit to my hubcap cone. If I put a thin layer of rubber or foam under the saddle that might help?
  • Yes! Don has it. Thin craft foam does help. I had to sandwich the pickup between two sheets but that worked well. Skeesix solution also works.

    one thing I do and a few others here do (Tiny Guitars ?) is to embed the pickup (I assume a piezo type) inside hot glue. If not completely, at least where the pickup touches the body. I use round piezos a will put a dime size glob of [clear type] hot glue, let it cool for about a minute and then push the piezo into the still hot glue. I leave about a 1/16" amount of glue (or until the glue reaches the edge of the piezo). I don't usually cover the piezo but you could.

    You might get very close to reducing handling noise but the way [most of us] install them, there is little way to completely eliminate it. Roger Martin in TN uses/sells a clamp-on style pickup that works REALLY well.


    Don Thompson said:
    So you have a saddle pickup that is not under the saddle? Have you tried cushioning the pickup with thin craft foam? I'm having a hard time picturing this setup/
  • Try isolating the pickup from the body with foam, cork, rubber, etc.

    A picture might be helpful for us to visualize the setup.
  • Yeah the saddle is the pickup. It is basically a brass plate and a lead giving a very loud output?
  • So you have a saddle pickup that is not under the saddle? Have you tried cushioning the pickup with thin craft foam? I'm having a hard time picturing this setup/
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