Epoxy glue problem

I used epoxy to glue together ceramig magnets and plywood.

I winded wire on magnets. Wire pushed wood off the magnets

I think I need to rewind wire. Can i fix this ?  Is there any better glue or I did something wrong ?

If this don't work I'm going to use bolts, magnets and wood.


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  • Yes I sanded plywood.  Maybe that was flexable epoxy glue. I don't know.

    Info on epoxy packages is bad and short. I think I find that out.

  • Did you sand the surface of the ply before sticking ? New plywood has a coating from the manufacturing process that will stop it sticking. 

  • Hey xsusb if its the shiny coating on rare earth magnets, you may be right, best glue I've found for those is watery ca (super or crazy) glue,... My suggestion is glue the bobbin top and bottom together with the magnets in between rather than glue each surface to the magnet. Put some disposable gloves on, stack the magnet(s) on the first bit of wood, smear epoxy on the magnet and the stick the top on. Use some tape around the inside to collect all the glue up in the centre ;) don't forget the gloves!
  • Locite 5 minute epoxy...2 bottles ...equal parts mix together...best epoxy i`ve used to date...been using it on my 1/2 n 1/2 slides for years....cures in about an hour best to leave it overnite.....they don`t come apart!!!!

  • Some epoxy's don't dry hard but stay flexable. Shouldn't matter for this. No matter what the instructions say, I let everything dry overnight. There is a product I used for glass bedding rifle stocks to the barrelled actions when I was building custom hunting rifles. It's indestructable (over kill for most guitar work) called AcuGlass from Brownell's Shooters Supply. Around $40 for the kit. Check their web site. I use a lot of materials & tools from my gun building days on my guitars. You would be suprised what works. 

    Do you wax pot your PU's? Thinking of trying this if I ever get time.

    Good Luck

  • I had same problem with contact glue. Upper shorter plywood came off. 

    For me magnet surface don't see right for glue. I try cluing it again.

  • I'm 99% sure you didn't let the epoxy cure right or you didn't mix it right, because if those things were right there's no way you could move it by winding a coil. Try again, some epoxy a need overnight to cure particularly if its cold where you're at :)
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