
  • Hi again, Niel.

    With regard to the scale length, I did a search using Google and came across a discussion of the Dulcijo which was being responded to by Michael Fox, the inventor of the Dulcijo and he says the scale length is 25.5" on his instruments, similar in size to many dulcimers. So, in metric, the scale length is 647.7 mm. On the one I built, the scale length was shorter (500mm) as I prefer the shorter scale length with diatonic instruments. If you have ever played a strum stick (aka stick dulcimer) you'll know it's often quite a long reach to cover those chords (or partial chords). I'd first see what size scale length I'm happy using, and then make the instrument to that spec.



  • Hi Niel Baines.

    I have a discussion on CBG that describes the Dulcijo in fair detail called "The 3-String Dulcijo and Other Diatonically Scaled Banjos with Re-E...". It should provide you with plenty of background info on the Dulcijo. Since this is a diatonically fretted instrument (like strum sticks and mountain dulcimers), the best fret calculator to use is probably the Stew-Mac Fret Location Calculator, but be sure to chose the instrument type "Dulcimer" (listed in adrop down box) so that the fret calculations given will only be those frets actually used on a diatonic fretboard. If you have any further questions, can ask me.


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