
  • Just uploaded my first music vid. Now I can join in. None of the songs I've written are real blues orientated.

  • Try this :

    • Good honest 3-string slide guitar. Thanks.

      Your instrument has a nice sound. I've got one I made that I tuned the same way, but it's not my best job of cutting and bracing the cigar box. Mine sounds dead except in a very small environment. Guess I need to order one from Ben to see how they're supposed to be made.

    • I forgot to put in the description that I was running it through a Fender Champion 20 amp, no affects on and on the Tweed voice setting. I tried to go back and change the description, but have not found a way to do it unless I delete it and re-upload.

    • I am a big fan of the Champion 20. I picked one up just after they came out here.  It was the cheapest amp in the store, cheaper than the really small Rolands. I've been playing mine on Blackface setting with just a touch of reverb. I've had comments from the guys I play with and they have some pretty nice gear.

  • Country, yes. But bluegrass . . . .Those bluegrasserrs being the ultimate instrument snobs that they are, well, . . . not much of a chance there.

    • Hey Matt! Just replied to you over on another discussion...

      Anyway, if you go to Smithville (TN) for the Fiddler's Convention over the July 4th weekend, they'll definitely stick you in the "Novelty Instrument" category. I don't know whether to consider it snobbery because they won't recognize a CBG as a "real guitar" or whether it's very open-minded of them to provide a category for the unexpected instruments. Be advised that the "novelty" group will lump you in with washboards, cowbells, and garden hoses.

      Mostly, I try to get on a Bluegrass stage by playing a traditional instrument and then flash the CBG or Canjo for just one tune every so often. Reactions vary: some are kind; some are more like pity.

  • No, I believe it's a rule, maybe even a law, that you cannot play anything but the blues on a cigar box guitar, ever.

    Just kidding.

  • Bagpipe swing - your argument is invalid

    Bag pipe swing with Gunhild Carling in Central Pa…:

    • Holy smokes. That is something I've never seen before. Thanks for putting that up!
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