So, I'm building a diddley bow and was gonna use a magnetic pickup, but on a couple of my boxes, there's no good way to cut into them without ruinin the image on the box. So my question, will a peizo work on these? I've seen some discussions saying that peizos don't work great on diddley bows, but I'm assuming they're talking about solid diddleys instead of using a cigar box. Any help is much appreciated!!

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  • I have both... they both have their place.  Piezo's pickup everything... mag pups pickup just the string vibration...  Up to you...

  • I put a piezo in my first CB diddley bow and after getting it positioned and insulated properly sounded nice. I have since given it to my brother as I am making another. I will do double piezo in the next one.
  • If you're using a cigar box, then the sound response of a piezo will be the same whether you have three, four or (in the case of your project), one string. Mounting would follow the general guidelines for a guitar (somewhere near the bridge or where every you find that sounds best.

  • You could get one of my ThinBucker surface mount pickups that just screw to the lid without having to cut a big hole. Just drill a small hole for the wires.

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