tidied up the garage..saw dust etc. all well and done.
so I decided to work on the violin body and prepare it for a 3 string cbg.
two minute into working on it/ gone and cut my hand just above my thumb.
10 minutes later in the A&E and had 6 stitches put in.
throbbing like bu**ery.lol
why oh why didn't just left it till tomorrow..they're out to get me I'm sure them aliens.!!

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  • Nothing like turning the page and seeing that. : O. Made my whole body cringe. REALLY glad your alright. No chainsaws for you!

    • you know I must have a blind spot in ma brain.

       I do a lot of welding when working and I have a habit of grab or moving the material that I've just welded.lol

      some times I can wear gloves due to small parts etc so then is when I do the unthinkable...

      AAAH you stupid f**king idiot blah blah..lol

  • heres another picture with bandages off.

    I took them off to let air get to it,I tell you what it smells awful.lol


    • ohoh  ..  don't   look   Diane  !!!  

      (private  joke  for  the longer  members   here  )  ;-)

      • hopefully it'll be a lesson learnt to keep ma hands out of the way.lol

  • :-o

  • Glad you still have all ten. Putting the whole blood, sweat and tears into that build.

    • one thing when it happened I never said a thing.

      just drop the tools lock the garage door straight in wash my hands and blood lots of it.

      our lass nearly fainted when she saw it.

      I said no time to feel queasy we need to get to the A&E .......

  • Oucho! Hope you get healed up well and soon!

  • owww......so that's you off the washing-up-after-Christmas-dinner-duty   mate, life's a bitch! ;-)

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