I have cut a slot for the nut in my CBG but I have to clean it up so that the nut sits flat. Does anyone have any advice about what to use to smooth out the slot? Thanks in advance.
Yeah I was thinking about the scrap wood and sandpaper method. Thank You.
rusty case > Edward M. StaibAugust 27, 2012 at 4:48pm
ems, if the sandpaper is not glued to the popsicle stick it will float when making the cut and the edges will be rounded over, a bit... perhaps more than you wish.
Glue a strip on today and use it tomorrow???
or, a standard mill file from a hardware store is pretty much guaranteed to be flat, and many of them cut on 4 sides, which can be very handy... well, cutting on two sides at once is helpful. :-)
yep, I have a 1/4 " chisel that works well for that also.
You can buy sets of small files for under 10 bucks. Or you can use a piece of scrap wood with some sandpaper wrapped around it.
Yeah I was thinking about the scrap wood and sandpaper method. Thank You.
ems, if the sandpaper is not glued to the popsicle stick it will float when making the cut and the edges will be rounded over, a bit... perhaps more than you wish.
Glue a strip on today and use it tomorrow???
or, a standard mill file from a hardware store is pretty much guaranteed to be flat, and many of them cut on 4 sides, which can be very handy... well, cutting on two sides at once is helpful. :-)
Good luck