
  • I do not sell stuff yet but I may in the future. If I were to I would set the price I want and adjust accordingly for any exchange differences.

  • This looks like the place to tell my story.,., I was looking at a very nice CBG on Ebay,.,and as I scrolled down the page Ebay started suggesting other CBG's I might be interested in.,.I saw one I liked and it was listed in CAD.,.I got so mesmerized by the exchange rate.,,.I started placing small bids.,.,it seemed the exchange rate was in my favor being in the USA.,.,I ended up getting so confused by the exchange rate and the value of the Canadian dollar that I placed a few too many bids.,.,woke up the next morning to find I had won the auction by $2 .,,and paid way too much for a nice little CBG.,.,not sure what the moral of my rant is  but I think I have joined bidders anonymous , a 12 step program for Ebay fanatics.,., 

  • I also sell my stuff in Canadian dollars. It keeps things real for Canadian buyers, and makes things a bargain for people in the US.

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