I saw some great videos on YouTube of an épinette des Vosges, a French cousin of the Mountain Dulcimer. It has a very sweet sound.
Does anyone know a suitable cigar box for me to attempt to build one? It looks like the common design is rectangular or trapezoidal, with approximate dimensions of about 2" high. 3" wide. and a bit over 24" long.
Below is sort of what I'm talking about, a beautiful build by Michael J. King:
I'm not sure if a cigar box would be big enough. Perhaps I could find a rectangular craft box or even an USPS Priority box?
As for the fretboard attached on top, does anyone know if it is fretted similarly to a ukulele one? I have an already fretted uke board that would be perfect if the fretting is the same. (I assume an epinette is fretted like a dulcimer...)
You could attach two or three matching cigar boxes end to end.
Check out the dulcimer group, I'm sure somebody in there has already built one using the multi-box approach.