Cigar Box Nation Redesign

Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you know that we are working on a redesign of Cigar Box Nation's look and feel (known as its "theme" or "skin". Basically, this means the banner, the colors, how the different content boxes look, etc. This current theme has been in place for several years now, and was never all that great to begin with (I know, because I'm the one that came up with it), so it is definitely time for an update.

The core functionality that makes up Cigar Box Nation is not changing, only the way it looks on your computer screen. You'll still be able to upload photos and vids, browse groups, post forum topics and comments, update your own pages, take part in the chat, etc.

We are working with a professional Ning theme developer on this project (you can see some of her Ning design porfolio here if you want), with a goal of making the overall site look much cleaner, and more modern, while still retaining a "vintagey" feel that is in keeping with cigar box guitars. 

The Cigar Box Nation logo (star/upraised fist/CBG) will be kept. We will also be making sure to keep some of the key stuff on the front page that you all love so much (Photo slideshow, Videos, Top Content, Forums, Groups). We are going to be working hard to make it easier to nagivate the site in general though, especially for newer users. So the main menu is going to be revamped and some other navigational aids added.

My hope is that the end result of all of this will be a much better looking and easier-to-use website. I am sure there will be some bumps in the road, and I know that not everyone will like every change. This process of having a professional, modern theme developed is not cheap, but I think it is an investment very much worth making.

Feel free to post comments and discuss all of this. I'll do my best to reply as possible.

Ben "C. B. Gitty" Baker

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  • It looks good Gitty,I had computer problems and was unable to log on for awhile.We got a new one and I'm back under another name(used to be Bonefrost).I've bought a bunch of parts from you in the past few years too.

    I like the site,looks great and good to be back!


  • I realize I am late to the party on this, but can any functionality be added to the search tool???  It is really difficult to sift through the copious results with the current search set-up.

    • I really wish the answer was "Yes" to this, Scott... the ineffective search (and inability to effectively index a huge amount of information) is one of the biggest shortcomings of this platform. We have no direct control over that back-end functionality.

    • If the opportunity to get changes to the back-end come up, I would like to humbly suggest that the 'all new posts to a thread I've been reading' be added.  maybe its the newb in me, but I keep missing the 3-5 new posts on page 7 if I click the link next to the thread which says "reply by CBGitty 1 hour ago" and it takes me to the post on page 4.

  • Looks nice Ben, thanks again for all you do for us!

  • The site resign was essential. Google declared that all websites must be mobile friendly or be dropped way down in search ranking. Your new design is excellent and meets the requirement for being mobile friendly.

  • Good Job on The site Makeover Looks Real Good Ben I used to Have 5 Websites I know How Much Work this can Be. Thanks to You and your Team for all the hard work.

  • I have also tweaked the color scheme a bit to try to address the contrast concerns.

    • By the way Ben, I didn't see a better way to post my question to you, so here goes:  are there any plans to have a build contest this summer????

    • Both the "likes" pop-up and the reply text contrast are much better now.

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