
  • I've written out a quick 'How To' here

  • It's certainly possible, may not work for every song but for some you could do it. If you're software would allow you to....

    • write out the tab for 6 string on instrument A
    • create a 3 string instrument tuned 151 to the key of original song, call it instrument B
    • copy from instrument A, paste to instrument B

    Will TuxGuitar allow this?

    Inevitably you'd get some notes placed in odd places but it shouldn't be too hard to fix, would be a good exercise actually.

    • Hey Patrick,

      Thanks for the reply. I've never used TuxGuitar before.

      You're right though. It would be a great exercise. Not going to lie, but I seriously think as the CBGs get more popular, a resource that easily converts or contributes CBG tabs on a large scale would be awesome. 

      As of now, I mainly play basic chords, my own self-created riffs, and blues scales I've learned online from Jim Johnson. 

      • Cheers Kevin.

        The problem would be that because you can play the same note in more than one place on a guitar the software would struggle finding the best place to put them. Sophisticated programs like Sibelius still haven't got that right.

        You'd be better off learning how to do it yourself. Have a go, it's not that hard. If you tried one and posted it here somewhere I'm sure you'd have no end of people helping you out with it.

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