
  • I used cheapo guitar tuners on a two string bass, a 32" scale using the lower two strings with no issues so far, about six months.  I figure if the tuners act up I can open the holes for bass tuners later.

    • I was mistaken, the first part of the e fit in then it widens up and wont go through, i got the d and g through
    • the two lower strings of a guitar set or a bass set?  If you got a 105 string on a guitar tuner, I'm dying to see a pic...

    • JL, my strings were Fender Studio Bass strings, the low string is 090, but even smaller at the end as the outer winding ends before it goes into the tuner.  See the pic -


    • that's cool, further proof of "try anything and maybe get a pleasant surprise",

  • Its really short scale probably like a baritone uke size maybe even concert uke size, I have some bass strings from Aliexpress and the large e fits though the tuner and those strings were like $4.
    • For a bass on a uke scale, to do it justice you need uke bass strings. These are really thick polyurethane or silicone rubber and they are not cheap. You'll also need bass machineheads. Do a Google search on "uke bass" or "Ashbory bass" to get the general idea.

    • +1 Search for ubass strings.

      The one additional piece of advice is to think about the string spacing. Because there is such a big difference in diameter on the uke bass strings the difference between equal edge to edge (same distance between the strings) and equal to center (the centers of the strings are equal distances) is quite marked. Most commercially made uke bases are equal edge to edge. Dan Hulbert made one that was equal to center and it really looked quite different.

    • Then you could use the Bass VI strings like Thorsten mentioned.

  • If you use bass strings, use bass tuners, the thicker strings need the extra circumference.

    As to short and very short scale basses: GC sells a 3/4 scale Junior that's set up with a 28" scale. I acquired a 1/2 scale (25.5" scale) child/student bass guitar from a yard sale for $10 that only needed to be rewired and new strings.  I used a cheap set of standard bass strings on it that I already had on hand and it works great and sounds good. 

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