Cheep Boxes...

Of course FREE beats them all when it comes to boxes for builds, but I have found an inexpensive place if you have to buy. At Total Wine & More, paper covered boxes are just $0.49 and wooden are $1.49. I have picked up about a dozen so far (still need to build!) including a few Macanudo Portonino Cafes.


The stores are in limited states:



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  • If they keep the cut off lids you can still use it if you put small screws in to hold it on. But it should be cheaper than .49 lol.

    Wes Yates said:
    Yes! I have one here and a good friend stashes them away for me. Keep in mind that in some stores, they cut the lids off the boxes which of course is useless at that point. Get to be good friends with the cigar manager [wink wink, nod nod]. Buy him a bottle of good Napa Cab or something. Or better yet, Kracken Black Spiced Rum. Mmmmmmm.

  • Yes! I have one here and a good friend stashes them away for me. Keep in mind that in some stores, they cut the lids off the boxes which of course is useless at that point. Get to be good friends with the cigar manager [wink wink, nod nod]. Buy him a bottle of good Napa Cab or something. Or better yet, Kracken Black Spiced Rum. Mmmmmmm.

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