
  • most  common answer  ..

     # 3  , 4  ,  5   from a    pack  of  mediums  for  piezo  guitars .

      # 3  , 4  ,  5   from a   pack of  9's  or 10's  electric pack..  for   mag  pickup  guitars .

  • Keep in mind that this is relative to a guitar with standard scale (24.75 to 25.5"). If your cbg is shorter scale, you will have to increase string gauges if you want to get them to pitch (expected note from the specific string)

  • For 3 stringers, in 151 tuning (GDg) use the ADG strings from regular set and tune A down to G...or you can use the GBe strings and tune e down to d for GBD.

    For 4 stringers, use the ADGB strings and tune A down to G for GDGB tuning.

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