Cbg sound spinner

Sorry! I meant to post this in the "Other stuff Category"


I'm really hooked on cigar guitar box building. The graphics and construction of wooden and paper cigar boxes seems to have a pretty wide appeal. I love all of the cigar box amplifiers that I've seen, I'm not much of an electronics guy but seeing those cool little cigar box amps has inspired me to begin working on an extension speaker that would connect to the amp or any amp for that matter. This would be dare I say it, the world's first and only cigar box Leslie speaker. Think of a miniature version of the real deal. Since there is a small motor and moving parts involved I thought it would be best to make the core of the cabinet from 3/4 inch pine and trim it out with actual cigar box parts. Do you think that's cheating? Or did I forget the first rule of cigar box building (there are no rules)

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  • Hey!Isn't that Bob Dylan's grandma over there?

    Keni Lee Burgess said:
    Jesus help me. Get back Satan. I think I'm flasing back to the Summer of 69. Yellow sunshine. That chick with the flowers in her hair and a mattress strapped to her back screaming, "curb service...curb service"! Where is Pork Pie? I can't feel my feet....LOL Enjoy. Sound like a cool idea.    
  • Jesus help me. Get back Satan. I think I'm flasing back to the Summer of 69. Yellow sunshine. That chick with the flowers in her hair and a mattress strapped to her back screaming, "curb service...curb service"! Where is Pork Pie? I can't feel my feet....LOL Enjoy. Sound like a cool idea.    
  • 305697114?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024
    This is the baffle that will spin the sound creating the Doppler/choral effect. It's upside down in this shot.
  • 305696017?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024This is the raw speaker cabinet, the lamp is to show scale. It will take a 6 inch speaker I hacked from a practice amp.
  • Thanks! Since I've become overtaken by cbg building, a cigar box Leslie seemed crazy but heck that's point! I have a small fan motor with a fully variable speed control made for a ceiling fan. It does hum a bit but once you start playing you can't really hear it (kind of like a stratocaster through a tube amp) I already tested it and it works, now I just need to finish the cabinet. I will post pictures and a video but it will take a while. For those that do not know what a Leslie speaker is, google will help.
  • the one you made in 2009 turned out great !

  • honestly if you can figure out how to make a DIY leslie , you would find an amp to be less of a challenge (Mercotac bearing anyone ?) . i'd love to see the finished product in some detail , please post your results !
  • I guess you might know it might be a case where few people any more even know what a Leslie speaker is......

    Not only do I know, but I can honestly say I once owned one. Now its been MANY years ago and I dont recall. How was the connection made? Wiper contacts? I see this as problematic for clean commutation. Plus you need a variable speed motor drive solution.

    Sounds fun, just do it!

  • Cool song! that band didn't give much thought to their name they just did it!!

    Henry Lowman said:
    You answered your own question. To quote the PINK FAIRYS...
  • You answered your own question. To quote the PINK FAIRYS...
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