
  • sent you a pm john. do you have a habit ignoring pms.

  • I've made about 1200 guitars in my make and play workshops using cheap softwood, and it works just fine, so don't worry..almost any wood will do. Use what you can find, don't go crazy trying to get the "right" stuff..the right stuff is what you can lay your hands on right now.

    Wayfinder, as for compressed card's been done - National used it in the 1920 &30s (I think)  combined with phenolic resin...and they also used  plastic (Bakelite) necks, but guess that's  what you were referring to? Neither worked too well, and they didn't stay in production too long.

    • All I can get in a 100 mile radius, is pine. Would that work for an electric using a rod piezo pup/ W pre-amp?
      Reason I'm asking is because in other places I've been told no way Jose

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