Build a One-String Box Bass

In our never ending search for cigar box guitar plans, we stumbled across these very simple instructions to build a one-string bass with a "whamola" style lever as the tuner.  The plans come from a 1970's children's book. (I've lost the book's name over the years.)

Although the general idea for the box bass is great, the instructions are quite vague in these plans.  It would be great to have an updated version of this plan with measurement details and demo videos.  If you feel inspired, post them in the comments below.

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  • :D 

  • Here 'tis :) Story and couple more pics at

  • So I built a version of this. Will post story and pics tonight :) -Glenn

  • A Whamola!

    • Pre-Whamola 

  • Sweet! My only comment is that using -round- weed whacking string will not only last longer than mono fishing line but also give better low-end. Also perhaps adding just a tiny bit of vaseline in the string slot on the bridge if slotted, or create a round-top wooden bridge, that saves the string from wear. Add a pickkup and YESSSS! Thanks for posting, very cool! -Glenn

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