Hello, I wanna make guitar what deafs and hearing impaired can also enjoy.

Deafs can feel vibrations. Hearing impaired depends on how much is hearing

loss or they have ear implant .

Seome hearing impaired persons can hear loud or very loud sounds.

I know someone who as implant in one ear and with second ear she listens something from headphone. A nother girl I know  has implants in both ears. I don't know how much she can enoy music. I have read that listening music with implants is hard. Newer implants makes music more enjoyable.

Thanks to the electricity things are more easyer.

I was thinking something like a lowebow and diddleybow..

One idea is to make 1 or 2 string bass guitar.

Second  idea is to make  something like a lowebow.

1 bass string and 3 lowest guitar strings.

Third idea is to make bass what I can play like a guitar

or someting between bass and guitar.

If I can buy lowebow and it's not to expensive for me

I can make something more original. My problem is that I live in estonia.

First I need to make pickups.

I have some magnets.



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  • I made counter from claculator and broken bike spidomeeter reed switch.


  • theres a small pendulum inside the pedometer, a swingin part..

    when it swings right over it completes a circuit which causes the counter to increment.  you need to solder a wire to each end of that switch there, so when you touch them together the counter increments by one. then pop your reed switch in between those two wires at the other end so each time a magnet swings past it increments.  good luck :)

  • I bought 1$ pedometer. It was badly surprising that it's was too simpel.

    I don't know where to solder wires to make it counter. I think I can't.

    Luckily I have calculator what I can make to counter.


  • Right now I making better way to wind pickup and waiting pedometer arriving.

    My problem is bass and baritone Neck wood. I can buy ash and oak in large quantities

    and too long planks in estonia. Price begins 400€.  I need only 1,22m- 2m long planks. 

    Plank should be  wide circa 100mm that I can make 30-60mm wide necks.

    Thick circa 70-10mm. I can make with machines thiner and narrower in grandfather garage.

    Birch is hard but it plays with weather. I need to laminate brich for sure.

    • That is very expensive - you could buy a whole bass for 400 Euros!  Maybe you can find some scrap wood somewhere? Maybe your grandfather has something laying around the garage that would work?

      • My grandfather has only birch. Scrap wood in estonia are pine and spruce.

        I can buy easily pine and pruce in right dimensions. Softwood I very bad for Instrument necks.

        I was thinking maybe I can use sauna wood. I found that sauna wood is aspen and alder.
        I can buy Larch what is only corrugated. Stair wood is right wood but its short. Only  40x300x1000mm.

        Price is crica 35€. 


        • I know that small kanteles is made of birch.

          • Out of your choice of woods, it looks like birch is the way to go for the neck - check out this thread: http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f57/birch-neck-673345/ 

            See if you can find quarter sawn wood (the straightest grain). You can always laminate two or more boards together to make it stiffer.

            The other woods would all work for a body.

            • I have heard that birch is playing with weather. Don't stay in tune very well.

              • I can buy  mahogany guitar neck billets and ash guitar neck billet.

                Also maple fingerboard billets. Problem is that seller and wood is in other city. I think i find shoulution for that. I'm going to use cigar boxes as body.

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