band name

ok guys, i am posting this here as i consider it advice but if it needs to be moved then by all means tell me so. Crow and I are looking for a name not only for the band but also for the instrument company we're working on. so far everything has been around a rule of 3 (least i call it that) and what i mean is when you look at our 3 string guitars, the most commonbuild its 3 tuners, 3 sound holes, 3 feet of wood including inside mounting block, 3 string, everything is 3, to the point that we are working on a way to get 3 guitars out of 1 pack of strings (most likely an open A 3 string, a 2 string and a 1 string diddly bow) getting that out of the way we come to the reason for this discussion we need a name, something easily transcribed over to the business end but also for the band, one rule, it MUST have crow (uncle crow, crow's, things like that) any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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  • catnip vagina - a friend came up with this after describing a "rat" cat toy that had a slit shaped pouch on the underside for the catnip, with a velcrow closure
  • Uncle Crow is great, sounds too much like Uncle Kracker. If you want a family feel, maybe 'Crow Daddy?' Or 'Brothers Crow.'

    NoxTerran said:
    i appreciate all the suggestions guys, we actually came up with something a bit more....folky. Uncle Crow. we can be introduced as Uncle crow on stage (because i personally dont like that much recogonition) and the company to sell the guitars is Uncle Crow's Music.

    thanks again for all the suggestions.
  • uncle Bob , and the scarecrows........
  • swampy crow
  • Call your band "Corvus"

    Corvus is a small, faint, and very old constellation.
    Corvus, the Crow, was called the Raven by ancient Greeks. The story goes that Apollo sent the raven, or crow, to collect water in the nearby cup ("Crater" = goblet). But the bird wasted its time eating figs. Then, as an excuse for losing time, it gathered up the Water Snake (Hydra) in its claws and flew back, telling Apollo that this creature was the reason for its delay.

    Apollo would have none of it, and threw all three: the crow, the goblet, and the water snake, into the heavens. For penance, the crow was made to suffer eternal thirst (and this makes the bird caw raucously instead of sing like normal birds).
  • Sorry, you asked about a band name and that just popped into my mind for a name of a band. You can see why I don't have a band, well and the fact that I can't play either.

    NoxTerran said:

    Paul Doug said:
    Band Me
  • i appreciate all the suggestions guys, we actually came up with something a bit more....folky. Uncle Crow. we can be introduced as Uncle crow on stage (because i personally dont like that much recogonition) and the company to sell the guitars is Uncle Crow's Music.

    thanks again for all the suggestions.
  • Old Crowe Medicine Show.......Just Kidding

    3 Crowes Down
    3eleven Crowes
    3 Crowes Night
    3rd Eye Blind (because a Crowe plucked it out)
    UB-43 Crowes
    3 Counting Crowes
    The 3 Black Crowes

    sorry, it seems I can't be serious.....
    I wish, with the effort I put into that list, I could have come up with half a decent real
  • ???

    Paul Doug said:
    Band Me
  • Band Me
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