Hello again. Looking to build a pickup for my three string and have some neo magnets. I am unsure if they are strong enough or big enough for a flatpup style pickup, but thats what I was considering. Im sure theyre far from perfect, but is it possible to make a decent sounding pick up with these? All other potential issues aside of course (winding poorly, etc). Thanks in advance.


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  • I made one. Tested 2K... If there was any output, it was minimal... Then the wires broke and I lost the ends of the winds. Frustrating after all this time. Elmar has not only designed a cool product but I now know that his prices are very good given the amount of work that went Into making one. And mine doesn't even work haha.

    I guess I will try this again.
    • I have a pickup. Its measuring 1.9k

      Its not very loud. Im using an LM386 amplifier so maybe that is why. Its not as hu mbucking as I'd hoped and fairly noisy with some hum. Is this a shielding issue do you reckon?
    • Manny - the first few attempts at making pickups were very frustrating to me too. Could I maybe suggest trying a more traditional design as a first try? You will find loads of information on how to make them online, whereas Elmar's flatpup design is still something I'm trying to get my head around... you could combine your neo magnets with some machine screws and make one that way.

      I blogged some of my early experiences in pickup winding here:



      Maybe you'll get some tips/encouragement. I've now only made 8 pickups in total but the last 2 went without a hitch... you'll get there!

    • Thanks Richey. Both of my attempts worked.

      I suppose a little more information would help.

      My first one I had would and notice wire slipped off the end. So taking some advice I epoxied a tiny card stock strip along the end. This allowed me wind my first coil. It was 2k roughly. 2000 winds of 42ga wire and had trouble keeping wires still. MY BIG MISTAKE was using tiny dabs of epoxy. Reason being, is that once I tested that the coil was complete and picked up sound, I coated the winds in epoxy. If it had not been for this, breaking a lead would have been no issue. The problem was that the leads soldered to the pickup wire weren't as compliant and ripped themselves free from too much tinkering.

      The second, I learned from the first. Epoxy only to hold the end pieces of card stock on the bobbin. I used clear packing tape on it to wrap once it was complete to protect the coil, and keep the leads firmly attacked. This one actually measures 1.9k instead of 2k, but don't think that's an issue. I hooked it directly to the output jack and plugged it in. It works. It hums. But using my lm386 amp, I've not got a lot of headroom to really hear the pickup, it's faint. Perhaps this low volume is part of the design.... It's micro phonic and would benefit from a potting (my winding to blame), but now believe the tape that I used between the bobbin and the joint where the coils meet, will fall off while potting, and am concerned about removing it myself as it will likely damage coils or remove insulation.
  • Heck ya. Perfect.

  • yep, should work

    • Are YOU sure? Haha.

      Thanks everyone and Elmar... is it ok I try making one for my own use? Your design is brilliant, and wanted to try building one, but I also dont want to offend.
    • Sure, go ahead ;-) good luck!
    • Most magnanimous of you.   I have a spool of 42ga, some thin neo mags, and a stack of thin steel... I think I'll give it a try.

      So far, all I can say is that working with such small wire is a skill... 

    • Ive managed to get to 1200 winds then they came off the open end of the bobbin....

      Its past 11 so ive gotta stop for the night. Try again tomorrow.
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