
  • nice loing headstock,  howd the tuners turn out Richie ?

    • Thanks Antonio. They're OK. They hold tune fine but the action goes from very stiff to super loose within a fraction of a turn of the screw. Not quite as good as the other ones by the same manufacturer which cost £1 more...

  • Use a reamer lightly at the top of the hole, just enough so that the bushing will start. Those tuners are pretty much identical to what is on my old elDega guitar. I have changed them out three times over 40 years, so they should last awhile.
  • Travelling back from work now. Will have a go tonight!
  •  They come in 8mm and oversize 10mm bushings , I used a 7mm drill bit for the small bushings and reamed it out to get them to fit I think to need 7.5mm to get a nice tight fit , sorry metric measurements only .

    • Metric's fine by me buddy, a fellow Brit. I'll have a look after work.
      •  So how did you get on ? .

        • 306255623?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Turned out fine. I used my caliper to measure the bushing and it came out at 8.2mm, and the shaft 6mm. I just drilled out 8mm in the top and 6 in the bottom, popped the bushing in and squashed it down with a ratchet clamp. Works fine! Just waiting for the glue to dry on the box then I can string it up. Thanks everyone for the advice.

      • Canada is "sort of" been metric for years now but it still makes me chuckle when I see "1/2 kilometer ahead" because I always thought the reason for metric was No Fractions!!!!
        But I'm probably a little sensitive after my Grade 7 math teacher pounded my head into the blackboard because I couldn't do fractions!!!
        Now, back to your scheduled programming.

        • Well over here everything is metric. Apart from distance in miles and yards... beer by the pint...
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