First of all, I hate the term "Newby". This community is not some inner sanctum of CBG monks that you have to approach with your hat in your hand. It is just a bunch of folks doing the same thing you are interested in. Walk up and talk to them...

The real advice? Post pictures when you ask for advice. There isn't a person on here that hasn't built their first one, screwed one up, overlooked an obvious fix, or got distracted by a cool song on the radio and glued and clamped a fretboard on backwards without realizing it until late the next day when they have already spent hours shaping the neck. Ok, maybe that was just me.

Nobody here is going to laugh or put down your work. They are simply going to fall all over themselves to help you.

When you go to the doctor, you have to let him look at it.

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  • my advise, dont even start with cbg's. you get addicted and all your free time wil go into building them :P

  • ok so im building my first cbg (even though i already have too many hobbies lol) but im wondering if anyone has used a slide top cigar box or if its a bad idea i found a box i like on ebay and idk what do yall think??? please help

    •       Here`s a sliding lid whiskey box build, notice where the tuners are...stealthy...lolWhiskey Box Bowed Dulci

    • ive already got my box i got a plain one from hobby lobby i want to get the feel of making one and then ill get creative haha im thinking if this works good im going to build one for my friend who is at basic training as a congrats gift when he come back hes a guitar freak lol

    • Why not? It may take some slightly different techniques than would be used on a hinged top, but half the fun is doing something different.

  • This is what I get when I try a search in the forum section. 


    Keep in mind, this is for discussions only.  

    For whatever reason, I can search pictures and videos just fine

    • Yes I know it is for discussions. In fact I entered the word f hole and at the time somebody had just asked a question about f holes, so that should have shown up, you would think. It doesn't work. I had never noticed the Search Box at the top right by the sign out above the word Nation. It works. Another member brought that one my attention. I use auto log on so I never noticed the box there. The other one on the left worked for a few days and then quit and it still won't work. I got my wife to join and I used her computer is running Windows 8 and it wouldn't work on it either. Bottom line is I am good now and thanks for your work around. 

    • Don't know what my difference is, but looking at your screen shots if I use the search box you show I have the same results, but at the very top of my page in the upper right corner, (above and to the right of the word "NATION" I have a search box that shows to the right side of my name and the "sign out" tab that works fine.

    • But, at least for me, that doesn't bring up discussions.

      I can use it and get pictures and videos, but not discussions.  Which, if I want to search for some advice that may have already been given, is necessary.  

      EDIT:  Ok it does, BUT you have to weed through hundreds of photos, videos and comments on those photos and videos to find them.

      It used to be you could check discussions by using the search box contained in the forum section.

      I still love this place, so please don't think I am a whiner...:-)...I just wish we could get back that discussion specific search function.

    • Success that one works, I was using the one at the left side and was getting the Sorry No Results Page. I don't know what happened but the one on the left of the page worked for a few days and it quit. I got my wife to join and I used her computer running Windows 8 and the top left box wouldn't work either. Thanks

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