Guys, need some advice on what to do with this box -- Punch Gran Puro Sesenta (same box as Sierra) . See pic. The issue is the logo on the outside lid is nice plactic 'bubble' look. The inside is basically the same except a standard embossed print/foil logo.

If you were me... would you use the inside of the lid or the outside. Has anyone built using this style Punch box?

I scored 5 of these puppies and want to use them well.




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  • Best advice yet. <<grin>>


    O-DAD said:
    do em both ways if you have 5 boxes and see wich u like better,i like the bubble on the outside.i have pics on my page,but that cbg might scare u from using the box at all!
  • do em both ways if you have 5 boxes and see wich u like better,i like the bubble on the outside.i have pics on my page,but that cbg might scare u from using the box at all!
  • There ya GO!!!!!!!!!! I agree with SAM AGAIN! there is more involved then just the sound ,aesthetics count also.
    I would say that at least 1/2 my customers (if not more) buy CBG's because they like the look of 1 of my pieces rather then the sound.
    That is 1 of the reasons that I spend extra time working on using color to enhance my pieces to add interest. It pays off in sales at the end of the day by far.
  • ya dont need soudn holes if you use a pickup.
  • AMEN! and Amen. Thanks Sam. I think I will put the plastic on the top then. Might be a great feature. Gets me more $$ :-) I gotta sell these somehow. My wife is getting pissed at all the boxes I have... collected.


    Wichita Sam said:
    Gran Puro's are highly prised because of the nice finish and the emblem on the top... I have built several of them for CBGs ranging from ukuleles to full scale bass.... built all on the top and was satisfied with them all. Putting the sound hole on the sides is always a good design option.....
    have fun.... Some think that the sound is the only thing that counts... I disagree... esthestics count too...
    the best,

    Wichita Sam
  • Gran Puro's are highly prised because of the nice finish and the emblem on the top... I have built several of them for CBGs ranging from ukuleles to full scale bass.... built all on the top and was satisfied with them all. Putting the sound hole on the sides is always a good design option.....

    have fun.... Some think that the sound is the only thing that counts... I disagree... esthestics count too...

    the best,

    Wichita Sam
  • So let me see if I have this right -- you can life the plastic off the label or plastic/label off all together? I could also use the inside of the lid which is mostly the same except no plastic covered label. Doesn't matter to me.

    So in your opinion, the plastic label was preferred? Or would it have been a detraction to the CBG?



    Roger Martin said:
    Last month when I built a CBG with 1 of those boxes I found that the box had a scratch all the way across the top ,making the top un- usable.I just turned the lid over and used the underside as the top.BUT I found that if your careful you can lift the bubble label off and replace it where you want it if your careful.
    I like the raised label look , to me it gives a classy look to the build.
  • Will do Doug. Thanks.

    so I also noticed that the lid is quite thick compared to the bottom. Do you thing that would have made a sound difference?


    Paul Doug said:
    Wes, I used that box on my Kokopelli Ukulele (you can see it on my page). I left the bubble label on the top which became the back of my uke. I used the bottom for the top. Made a sound hole and turned the inside label around so it would be right side up when you look through the sound hole. Clear as mud, right?
  • Last month when I built a CBG with 1 of those boxes I found that the box had a scratch all the way across the top ,making the top un- usable.I just turned the lid over and used the underside as the top.BUT I found that if your careful you can lift the bubble label off and replace it where you want it if your careful.
    I like the raised label look , to me it gives a classy look to the build.
  • Wes, I used that box on my Kokopelli Ukulele (you can see it on my page). I left the bubble label on the top which became the back of my uke. I used the bottom for the top. Made a sound hole and turned the inside label around so it would be right side up when you look through the sound hole. Clear as mud, right?
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