Hi Folks
Just letting you know that I've finally finished the new course at www.learncigarboxguitar.com. It's called 3 strings 3 chords and it's all about playing the old favourite 3 chord tunes that we all know and love.
It came about after a discussion with a ukelele player at a festival I was at recently. He was intrigued by our amazing instrument but wanted to know how he could play his favourite three chord songs in more than one key, given the standard 1 5 1 tuning. A short conversation followed and so eventually did the new course.
I use three chord songs in the classroom to help my students with their listening skills, particularly aural training. They soon pickup how to identify a I chord, a IV chord and a V chord just by listening to them. This course is essentially designed to do the same thing. It'll teach you how the three chords work in a song, the function of each and how to transpose and play the songs in other keys without changing tuning. But most importantly it'll train your ear to identify these changes as you hear them so you can work out songs for yourself.
Aural training is crucial for musicians and often ignored because it's supposed to be too hard and there are so many other resources out there to help learn songs and riffs and things.
The course, and the musicianship skills it brings are an important bridge between the Starter Pack and the more advanced courses that are still on the drawing board. Have a look and see what you think.
It's a great course. As is the Starter Pack...
I have Red Dog's course and a Keni Lee disk. Those are great as well and well worth the money.
For a noob, I think Patrick has the best course out there.
Buy them all, though. You'll learn something from each one. :)
Thanks Rouxdy, glad you're enjoying it.
site seems like a treasure map to find a road map . only to find a forced sign up .
An important part of this course, current and future courses, is the ability to make comments, ask questions and contribute to a learning community. Security considerations mean that this requires a simple account be created, the same as you have here. I considered making the material available without this requirement but in the end had to make a call and I believe that it's the right one.
If anyone is concerned about a flood of junk mail after they've signed up they have an option on their account page not to receive any mass mail outs that I should need to make from time to time. Current users can attest that they been minimal to this point and made only when necessary (I think I've done two in two months).
If you had trouble accessing the material then any constructive feedback would be appreciated and acted upon if necessary.
i guess a sign up makes sense then , considering q&as .
still, the navigation seems a bit like a maze , but im sure it is more direct once one is signed up .
forced sign ups are scary to some .. as is downloading required plugins etc .. as i'm sure you know . and i do see you offer the song book in the non plug-in required format, which is good .
all this was , was constructive feedback.
There is a lot of information on the site and trying to find the best way to present has been a challenge. I'll keep working on it though.
Thanks so much for sharing this information :)