Hi all,

I just took delivery of my first real cbg. A 27" scale 3 stringer made by Roosterman...and its a beaut.

My wife plays 6 string and she INSISTS that I should learn the basics of 6 string so that I can play along with others, figure out songs and generally know what it what musically. She thinks if I stick to 3 string that it is a one trick pony and that is fine if thats "all I want to do" in terms of figuring out single tunes and playing them solo.

Is she right? Can I play well with others? Learn proper chords via tabs etc?

Please help

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  • Just my 2 cents: there's tons of videos here and on youtube. To really learn, check out as much as you can and play. I recommend Red Dog's video for the basics like holding a git, putting a slide on your finger, bending, picking, and then Keni Lee's to learn theory and application. Play as much as possible, I carry my CBG with me everywhere, I play on my lunch break, on the train, in parks, when camping, before getting onstage with my punk band. Try both following lessons and just tooling around. Learn to read tab. Learn scales and warm up with them. Learn songs you like, and play them in a way that you enjoy. Most important: have a blast!

  • Play what you want to play. Just be happy and keep yourself interested. If 6 strings is where you feel passion to work, work there. If not dont. Playing music is like medicine for your soul, no matter the knowledge or the level of play. If your happy thats what matters. If it gets you playing faster simplifying things with 3 strings and open tunings it may keep you interested long enough to learn more strings and instruments later. The one huge advantage you have is that you have a wife that you can play with. Wish mine could play.

    Dont worry be happy!! Haaa

  • All I know is that I've been a lousy-to-mediocre guitarist for the better part of 35 years, but the moment I started building and playing around with 3-4 string guitars and open tunings, I immediately became WAY WAY better on a standard 6-string. Like, overnight. It felt like magic ...but it was probably just bits & pieces of music theory that finally began to make sense.

  • I played 6 strings before i found the cbg'... I am not good ,, but i can carry a tune ,, gotta closet full of expensve instruements ,, but yet i play the ones i make ...   U can go in so many different directions ,, I have friends come over ,, we get wrapped around several :adult beveages:"   and yes i play a long ,, they all wanna play the instruements i make ,, gotta try out everyone i got at the time ...   U do not have to b a puriest to enyoy the cbg ... Get keni lees  stuff ,, U'll b amazed at what u can pick up on the cbg and how fast ..  as said   "no rules"   rules !!!!

  • I don't know about chords and tabs but my buddy Mike has transposed about a dozen songs written to 6 string to his 4 string CBG, and even my 3 string, in just a few weeks and all are beautiful. Sound just as good and some better. You just got to figure out what notes go where and what tuning works best. There are no rules and no limits here and I bet before long your wife will be trying to keep up with you. No offense to your lady, but its that purist attitude of a set right and wrong way of music that ruins it. Blind Willie Johnson Learned on a single string diddly bow, and later in his career when he was recording on 6 string, his music went back to those single string melodies, and it was great. Is great. I say, rebel against your wife! Screw what she says, keep rocking the 3 string! No if you excuse me, I'm getting off of here before MY wife see what I'm saying ;-)

  • If you have your guitar tuned to open G then when you strum it no slide you have G is your guitar freted? if so look at Keni Lee's stuff have a look thought the groups lots of info that will help you find what you need ;-)

    • Yes, its freted. Its in DAd at the moment but I'm hoping to get some other strings to lighten the tone a bit. Im very ignorant as to what strings to use on my scale length for xyz tuning etc. etc. 

      All I know is that it has a 27" scale and another 5" to the furthest tuner.

      But I deviate. I have looked at what Keni has to offer but it seems overwhelming. I LOVE slide but standard blues and ragtime / jazz also floats my boat (a'la Pokey Lafarge and Leon Redbone). Not sure where to turn in practical terms.

    • Well, I think a very smart thing might be for me to invest in some of your DVDs Keni.

      As I am a musical newbie in every way...seriously...so much of the theory stuff and even the WORDS used will be beyond me to begin with, I get the impression your stuff is accessible to even the musically  retarded folks like myself...I hope so.

      All I have to do is find a way of getting them without my wife divorcing me for another obsessive hobby purchase...some will laugh, others will feel that cold chill in their stomachs.

    • If you are going to be playing mainly 3 string CBG, I would simply suggest CDs 4 and 6. The CBG is strung using standard medium gauge strings ADG. On CD 4 the tuning is GDG. Then retune to ADF# for CD 6. An inexpensive Snark guitar tuner will make your life easier. Shop on ebay for the lowest price.


      As a beginner, I think you will find the movable chord approach effective. (CD 6). Buy a chord book of your favorite artist or band containing songs that are familiar.


      Remember to feel free to write if questions arise. Most of all make your practice fun and relaxing.

      Enjoy, Keni Lee


    • Hello Tom,

      Consider CD 6. It is about learning chords and progessions. Basic stuff.  

      Everything looks overwhelming from the start, but it really will make sense.

      No one wants something too difficult, but on the other hand, you don't want something so watered down and basic it leads nowhere.

      Additionally, I am here if questions arise, and as a teacher, I am always interested to see how things work out for my friends and students.

      Enjoy, Keni Lee  

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