So I turned my wife's old Singer into a coil winder and made a few three pole single coils with a 1-1/8 string spacing. Sound pretty damn good.
Now I'm thinking of making some P90's. Any one ever try cutting/shortening bar magnets ?
Love the sound from CBGitties P90's but the string spacing is too close as with any 6 pole pickup on a three string CBG.
I made one of these using small magnets per Jason Lollar's pickup winding book.
Stew Mac posted a how-to and used one of their bar magnets cut in half. They said you can use a Dremel cut off wheel or hacksaw. I think I might go with a hacksaw and try to keep it cool. You can always remagnetize with a neo magnet if you need to. They make a 3 pole and 4 pole P90 style pup that sound good. They probably cut their mags down with a cutoff wheel on a dremel, but not sure. They don't cost much so experiments won't set you back much.
Bought one of their PU a while back for a 1/2 a 12 string CBG I made and their pretty much just a Strat style single coil. Sound nice though. The ones I've made cost less than $6 each parts wise.
Thought about this some more last night and adding a another hole in the middle of the P90's from Gitty really wouldn't be that hard to do.