Artwork for the album cover generously donated by Thomas Boatwright


The 2012 Christmas album is ready for download. We hope you will enjoy the free holiday music our members have created for your enjoyment.


Some are traditional songs, and some are original tunes written by the artists. All are played/performed on hand made instruments.


This is our 4th year for our Christmas Album, many thanks to all our members for their contributions that made this possible.





Mark "Fatt Max" Hill..............CIGAR BOX SANTA

Jim Junksville Sharkey.......JOLLY OLD ST. NICHOLAS 

Captain Nemoff......................GREAT CHANGE

Bailey and Katfish.................AWAY IN A MANGER

Jamie MacBlues...................SILENT NIGHT

Leadfoot T...............................CHRISTMAS TRUCE 1914

SUGIMUGI................................SNOWFLAKES IN THE MISTY VILLAGE 

Uncle John..............................LOOKING OUT AT THE WEATHER

c# merle..................................THE BALLAD OF BIG STEVE

407bug.....................................CHRISTMAS IS COMING !

RTZ GUITARS.........................JINGLE BELLS 

SLOWPAW STEVE T with the Middlesex County Itinerate Hobo Gospel Choir....I SAW THREE SHIPS

FatBoy CooKen......................HOLIDAY CHEER

Linda Lou................................WHAT CHILD IS THIS?

Henry Strat-o-varius Lowman.............EADEM MUTATA RESURGO / SPIRITUS SANCTUS

The Anonymous Pick............MEANSLEEVES

Phillip Robert...........................HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANTA CLAUS

Dribbling Sidney.....................GRACE 

Henry Strat-o-varius Lowman.............THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY 

Habanera Hal..........................ODE TO JOY

c# merle.................................. LA MIRACLE DE NOEL

Captain Nemoff......................LET IT SHINE ON ME

Uncle John..............................LITTLE TOY TRAINS

Captain Nemoff......................WELCOME TO MY KITCHEN

Blind Pomegranate Harrison-Smythe...... The Hogfather Brings Great A'Tuin A Present  

Mike "Katfish" Karash.........SILENT KNIGHT

Clock and His Wily Wolf.......SANTA DRIVES AN OLDSMOBILE

FatBoy CooKen.......................SANTA JAMS

Calim.........................................PETIT PAPA NOEL

Phillip Robert..........................(HE'S) COMING BACK AGAIN FOR CHRISTMAS

W.M. Peterson.......................SANTA CLAUS 

Pinetree Joe...........................Deck the Halls (own lyrics)

Calim.........................................L'ABOMINABLE HOMME DE NEIGHES

Brickdust & Pyno...................CHRISTMAS CRACKER


JIM WOODS............................WATCHIN' OUT FOR SANTA

Ben Kepler .............................CHRISTMAS COAL

Cris Portillo Jr........................CHRISTMAS GHOST

Brian Hunt...............................O HOLY NIGHT 

Mike Bingham.........................AULD LANG SYNE

RTZGUITARS...........................THE SILENT CHRISTMAS




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  • Sorry to throw a wrench in the gears, but "Little Toy Trains" is not in the public domain. It was written by Roger Miller, I think in the 1960s, so it would still be under copyright protection.

  • Thanks to everyone who contributed, these CBN albums are my favorites.

  • just downloading it with my antique comptuter, should be ready for me to listen tomorrow ^^..!

    top christmas present i guess;

    many thanks Steve and all for your great musique; have all a merry Christmas;

    take care,friends.

  • you guys rock!!! great mix of styles. well done steve-o.

  • Ho ho ho ! Very good compilation! 

     Merry Christmas All !!!

    Captain Nemoff. 

    • Just finished listening and so many differant songs its really long . Well done everyone and Happy Holidays.

      At Steve's request we added The Silent Christmas, I had heard that people in Newtown were taking down Christmas decoration, I played the first half of an old song and had to quit it just floored me. We may have a heavy heart this Christmas but for many the pain will last forever and I'm sure every Chistmas in Newtown will be Tough.

    • Many thanks for allowing your song to be included RTZ,  we should all enjoy Christmas but think about those who are suffering in a positive way and try to support them and remember ones who have gone, i know people who volunteer to hand out food parcels to the homeless, the emergency services are working overtime to help people in the west country who are being flooded out, my mother is very ill and in pain but i will of course try to make Christmas as nice as possible for her... what else can one do? I played her our Christmas album the  other day she really enjoyed it! (-:  


    • Just want to say its an honour to have you, RTZ, and Steve, as friends.

      Steve, ah hope your mum is OK. Glad she enjoyed album. She must be proud of you, (and not just for album)   :) 

      And, yes, you're right, Steve. Let's not let sadness overtake joy. Those poor weans that died have given a few short years of such joy, to parents who will now relive every blessed memory of them, in every moment of their short lives. May their faith see them through :)



    • Their is alot going on in my family right now I won't get into just want to say take care and Happy Holidays guys. Merry Christmas Nation.305942877?profile=original

    • Hope all works out OK. Merry Christmas, RTZ :)

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