I have a 2 string CBG that I bought off a street vender. Just got and really do not know how to play it. My question is, Can it be tuned to act as a bass in a small use band. If so what should the strings be tuned to?

Should I replace the guitar steel strings with Uke or Classical Strings? If so, how tuned?



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  • Scale Length? Neck thickness? bass or guitar tuners? we need pics!

  • Have you tried using the “Search” function at the top of the page? There’s alot of examples of 2 string basses posted. Lots of times it’ll answer your questions without asking. Cheers, keep it simple :)

  • If you'd like to use it as a bass, you can put E and A guitar strings on it, and use an octave pedal.

  • Keep it simple & just tune it to E & A like a bass? I would either use bass strings if they’ll fit in your tuners but if they don’t, you can always use an E & A guitar strings tuned lower.

  • To start, you can tune your cbg down a couple notes to see how bassy it is.  If you can look at a conventional bass, you can fret it at the nearest length to your scale length to see what notes are close if you used similar bass strings.  Bass strings might stress it a bit more though.  For fun check out the ubass too.

  • One of the members here (Uncle Fred) has a two string box guitar set up to be used as a bass. Not sure of the specs other than the fact that it uses steel strings and has it tuned G1 D2.

    Hopefully, he will stop by the forum and provide more detail.

    The key point is, yes, you can set it up to use as a bass.
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